Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Kenny

P9030529  Today I am very thankful for my hubby, Kenny, but I am even more thankful for what God is doing in him right now. Kenny just got back from a Bible Conference in California with a new energy for God that has encouraged and inspired me as well.

DSC00405Yesterday our pastor went with  another man from our church, Jay, to witness to Jay’s dad. On their way back the car broke down and Kenny got the phone call that he needed to preach the main service. (By the way, Jay’s dad got saved!!!) Kenny had already prepared a message DSCF0238for the teens called “Stand up for Christ, or Shut up for Satan.” With our teens getting ready to start back to school in just 3 weeks Kenny has started a series to encourage them to do right and to stand for Christ when  temptations come. Since we were in with the adults Kenny also talkeP6080014d to the parents about being an example to their kids by reading their Bibles and making church a priority.

Kenny’s new passion for our teens has spurred even more fervent prayers on my part for camp next week and for the weeks to follow that we would be able to see more teens come to know Christ as their personal Savior and follow Him with all their hearts.


I hope you’ll be praying for us!

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