Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Take a Tour Tuesday – Other Living Room?

I guess you actually would call this room the Den… We don’t actually use this room very much.










I do enjoy sitting at the desk there by the window. Considering that the sun doesn’t shine straight into these windows, this room is very bright! Not quite sure how that works :S













This is technically in the dining room but I love it. Ever since I saw my Mom-in-Law’s, she has a metal rod thingy with clips on it to display her cards and pictures on at the base of the stairs, I just had to find something similar of my own. :)




Well that’s all folks! Next week will actually be the last week I’ll be giving you a tour of the house. I have a couple idea’s for what I’ll be blogging next but figured I’d ask, is there anything you would like to see or hear about?

1 comment:

  1. I like your metal rod thingy with clips on it better than mine! And I also like your new blog layout!
