We finally got our internet working so I can share our adventure photos with you all. Hang with me because this will be a looong post but hopefully you’ll enjoy it!

It snowed the week before our move and stayed cold so nothing melted off but we had no trouble getting the truck in and out of our driveway. Here is Bella, a couple days before the move playing outside.

The beginning of the packing process. Kenny had actually flown to Colorado to pick up some furniture his parents gave us and drove back with his Dad making a stop over in Oklahoma to see Grams.

Several people came to help us move (sorry I didn’t get a picture of all of them together) This is Kenny with Pastor Brad from Faith Baptist Church – His wife, Sarah, also came to help and their dog Cookie but I didn’t get a picture of them somehow

This is Allison, also from Faith. She didn’t want me to take her picture :)

The guy in white is Soren, he came a brought the whole family to help and you guessed it, I didn’t get a picture of them either :( His wife, Sabrina, my coffee buddy, brought their coffee pot from home so I could have some java and still pack my pot up, they also brought hotdogs for lunch. I really feel like I was in a fog all day, I had been preparing for this day for almost a month but I just felt to scattered as all my “life” was being loaded into a 16ft truck…

I’m still not certain as to how they got everything packed into that truck but my Father-in-law, (the guy in the black sweatshirt with the shorts on…) having been in the military, is an expert packer.
We said our goodbyes after the truck was loaded and headed down to my parents house to spend the night before hitting the long road to Florida early the next morning.

Our View

My riding partner

Wally’s riding partner!
We made it to the house about 6:30pm making our total trip in just over 13 hours. Kenny and Wally started unloading some stuff as Bella and I started to check out the house. People from the church came over after the service was finished to help us unload. I think they had everything off the truck and set in the different rooms of the house in about 15 minutes!

After they finished Pastor Brown (the only one in a jacket) had a word of prayer for us, our new ministry together, and our new house. They all left and us weary travelers headed to bed after grabbing a bite to eat in town.
Now for the pictures your all wanting to see… except these are the ones I took right after we moved in, you’ll have to wait til tomorrow to see what I’ve done with the place ;)

This is the front of the house from across the street, as you can see we live in a long row of houses that are connected together.

The walk way leading to the front door.

Our Living Room is the first room you walk into (which faces the back yard) and if you walk through the door you see here…

…you go into the Master Bedroom. Take a right and that leads you into…

Our closet space (which is not pictured) and the Master bath. Now coming out of our room you go back into the Living Room to see…

…the dining room (your facing the street in case you’ve gotten turned around)

The kitchen is just to the right of the dining room if your looking at the picture above this one. Down the hall we go…

Into, what looks like a man cave right now but will become the craft room and home office. Across the hall…
…is the door to the Garage/Laundry room. Back inside and heading further down the hall (going toward the street)

is the spare bathroom which is right next to…

… the spare bedroom and the end of the hall.
Come back tomorrow to see how I’ve set stuff up and some of the plans I have for decorating.
The new place looks so nice!! I can see some of your pinterest posts fitting in nicely there!
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of Dad & Lucky 2!